Press release: Erillisverkot takes steps to secure the Virve 2.0 project targets – procurement of new application services postponed

The first phase of the Virve 2.0 development project is proceeding as planned, establishing a mobile broadband service that will be the basis for moving Virve users from today’s narrowband services to the Virve 2.0 broadband services. We have now suspended the procurement of the application services, which were planned for the second phase of the project. This procurement is rescheduled to be started again in 2024 during the latter half of the migration period.
This postponement of the procurement will help us ensure seamlessly working services during the migration period (2022–2025) and to meet the timetable targets set to the project. The most essential user services, speech and short data, will be realised using existing solutions. New services such as video can be provided during migration by other means, for example, by using the Group video service from Erillisverkot.
”The renewal of Virve will secure the communications and effective joint working between authorities also in the future. We want to ensure that we can provide fully working and trustworthy services to our customers also during migration without missing the migration deadlines set to us. For this reason, we decided to postpone the ongoing procurement to a later stage. The Virve 2.0 development train is still on track, we are just reordering the carriages slightly” says Timo Lehtimäki, CEO, Erillisverkot.
In addition, this allows us to avoid having to upgrade about 1300 client applications connected to Virve before the start of the migration period.
The procurement will be restarted in about 2024 once most of our customers have migrated onto the Virve 2.0 service. A notice of the suspension will be published on the Hilma and TED portals.
Further information:
Timo Lehtimäki, CEO, Erillisverkot Group, +358 50 514 8286
Katariina Salmisalo, Communications Director, Erillisverkot Group, +358 40 701 6576
Erillisverkot Group enables secure critical operations and communications in all circumstances. Erillisverkot provides the organizations responsible for the security and functionality of the society with mission critical services, software services for situational awareness and services securing critical infrastructure and communication. Erillisverkot is a wholly state-owned special-purpose company. For further information:, social media @erillisverkot.