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Annual report 2023: Sustainability programme until 2025

The basic mission of Erillisverkot is to provide its customers with secure services that are free from disruptions and that increase security in society, benefitting all citizens. We produce the services in a manner that is sustainable environmentally, socially and from the point of view of governance.

In 2023, we identified a need to update our sustainability targets until 2025, which we had prepared in 2020 and which were grouped under six themes. Here (linkki Sustainability report -sivulle) (linkki Sustainability report -sivulle) is a description of the actuals in 2023 based on these six themes. The updated four themes are:

  • environment and climate
  • functioning of services and society
  • renewing workplace community and its well-being
  • good governance, finances and procurement practices.

The reason for the change was the good progress of the sustainability work of Erillisverkot and the need to focus the efforts accordingly. The changes were based on discussions by the sustainability group and the sustainability steering group, discussions with ownership-steering and the audit committee, a materiality assessment completed in the autumn, and the views presented by Erillisverkot personnel. The Board of Directors approved the updated sustainability strategy and programme in November.

Sustainability programme 2025

Theme 2024–2025 Targets until 2025
Environment and climate

We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint near zero by 2035.

• In 2025, our carbon footprint will be notably lower than in 2020.

• The annual recycling rate of waste from our operations is 70% and recovery rate is 100%.

Functioning of services and society
Our disruption-free and energy-efficient services ensure a functioning and secure society.
• The service availability level that we promise to our customers is achieved every year.

• The Net Promoter Score (NPS) remains at the current excellent level.

• Energy efficiency is one of our decision-making criteria, also in investment.

Renewing workplace community and its well-being
Responsible operations mean working together, shared practices and continuous training in an innovation-minded culture, and they are the foundation of our welfare.
• Our personnel satisfaction achieves an annual level of at least 80%.

• We understand the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion as part of a functional work community.

• We have zero tolerance for harassment, and we handle all reported cases.
• We have no serious work-related accidents.

Good governance, finances and procurement practices

The operations of Erillisverkot are guided by our Code of Conduct and minimum sustainability targets for suppliers. Sustainable financial management ensures the continuity of our operations.

• At least 95% of our personnel complete the Code of Conduct online training every other year. All new employees complete it as part of their onboarding.

• Sustainability is taken into account in the procurement criteria, for example, energy efficiency, low emissions, the use of renewable energy.

• We strive for budgets that improve productivity and budget adherence.

Integrating sustainability into business

Erillisverkot started integrating sustainability into its strategy and business in 2019, and it has been an element of management and employee remuneration since 2020. In 2022, we set emissions reduction targets for 2025 and 2035, and we monitor the implementation of these, for example, at the annual general meeting and in annual reporting. We report on our greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the GHG protocol, covering both direct and indirect emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3). Changes in the scope of our operations and further specifications related to the comparativeness of the calculations may affect the target-setting of the emissions reduction plan. In addition, we report to the Prime Minister’s Office on the development of our sustainability work in general.

We require our suppliers to commit to the minimum sustainability requirements and their key persons to complete the online training on sustainability. We regularly assess our means and opportunities for monitoring during the contract period.

Since 2020, we have used a whistleblowing channel for reporting suspected misconduct. People can use the channel to anonymously report any suspected violations of the law or regulations. Reports submitted via the whistleblowing channel are confidentially handled by an external expert. In 2023, two reports were submitted via the channel. They were handled according to our process, and they did not result in legal action.

Read more about our year 2023

The year 2023 will be remembered for changes in the security environment, for Finland’s membership in NATO and for the increased level of contingency.

One of the most important drivers has been the strengthening of security and contingency and, on the other hand, the acceleration of technological development.

Erillisverkot updated its strategy in 2023. Our vision is to be an impactful and brave security provider in society.

The sustainability work in 2023 was still motivated by the Russian attack on Ukraine and preparedness for a potential energy crisis and power outages.