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Results for: data(49)


5G technology accelerates and secures authorities' communications – the review reveals why the transition takes time?

The Mission Critical Technology Trends overview by Erillisverkot Group explains why the authorities´ transitions to the 5G era is taking so long. The communication and information retrieval needs of authorities fundamentally do not differ from consumer usage, but the mission critical operating environment imposes special requirements on technology. The latest review focused on 5G technology also presents the opportunities that 5G technology offers for Finland´s next generation mission critical Virve services.

Construction of the quantum encryption network begins in Finland

A public test network will be built in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, which will enable the introduction of quantum encryption technologies. It will also offer Finnish companies a platform for developing and testing services and products based on quantum encryption. Quantum encryption is a new method based on quantum mechanics that enables secure data transfer in the era of quantum computers. In the future, the national quantum encryption network will be connected to the EU-wide network. The project led by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland includes Suomen Erillisverkot Oy, Cinia Oy and CSC – IT Center for Science.